Tuesday, November 6, 2018

November 5, 2018 - Midvale, UT

My week since Wednesday has been pretty solid.
The temple on Halloween night was the greatest thing ever. Such a great experience. Thursday, we had our zone conference, and I learned so much about putting off the natural man and yielding to the enticing’s of the Holy Spirit. 
Friday we worked super hard, and we were able to help a family that was baptized recently move into an basement apartment of another person we are teaching. So many new opportunities are presenting themselves! 
Saturday we got to do a mini blitz of some elders area. It was great to not only be working in my area, but also help some missionaries struggling to find. It is a great success! 
Sunday we had so many people come to church. Then we were able to visit some key people, teach some great lessons, and give a blessing. It is absolutely a wonder at how much God's hand is in this work. Truly He loves each one of us, and wants to bless us. 
I love you all very much! 
Elder Adams

P.s. we just did another donut falls hike, once I have the good pictures, I will send them over, probably next week. Here is a picture from Halloween/Temple Trip I just got.

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