Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 21, 2018 - South SLC

Holy Smokes this last week has been so crazy but amazing! So we went to the temple last Tuesday, it was an absolutely amazing experience. I love to go to the temple!

Then, things got super wacky! We had tons of lessons, and tons of work, plus we had zone conference, it was super awesome! I learned so much of how I can become a better missionary. 
So some of the crazy: We were planning on 3 baptisms this last weekend, but starting on Friday at 11am until Saturday at 3pm, Satan was all about doing bad. We fought valiantly and overcame all of the trials we faced. While no one got baptized last week, we have even more potential for this weekend thanks to the re-energized effort we put out. This is truly a marvelous work. 
Saturday and Sunday we had Stake Conference, it was great to hear empowering messages about forgiveness and ministering. 

Then, on Sunday the Jordan River Temple was rededicated to the Lord, and that night, all of the Salt Lake East and South Elders went to help clean up. We unloaded 1500 chairs from the building in about an hour, and then had the opportunity of going in and resetting furniture inside the temple. It was a sacred and holy experience. The Spirit of the Lord was extremely strong. 

An incredible lesson I learned this week is just how much God loves His children, and how much He wants them to be happy. We have 2 families we have been working with for some time, and both have been progressing very slowly as of late. We found some powerful videos and scriptures to share, and with the help of a member of the Elder's quorum, we were able to help these families realize the importance of the restored gospel and baptism. Now, they just need to come to church! 

I love these people here so much. I am forever grateful to have been able to come here and serve, not only as a missionary, but specifically here in this branch. This is the last week of the transfer, and who knows what will happen. And who knows what fun this week will bring. But I know that whatever comes, I will love it!

I love you all!
Elder Adams

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