Wednesday, May 2, 2018

April 30, 2018 - South SLC

Well this week was pretty average, not anything super exciting. We had the opportunity to have our patience tested and our faith tested, and we know this next week will be full of miracles.
We had two really good lessons, one planned, and the other was super last minute. On Wednesday we taught one sister we have been teaching for quite a while. She was previously going to be baptized in February, but didn't feel she knew enough. We watched a powerful video entitled "You Know Enough" and she loved it. The Spirit helped her realize she was ready to get baptized in 2 weeks! Then, last night our zone leaders challenged us to find a new investigator, and put them on date in the last 45 mins of the night. We were already pretty much done for the night, plus we only get a certain mileage limit each week, but we felt really prompted to see what we could do. About 50 mins later, we ended up on a guy’s door we have talked to before, who is not interested in learning or being baptized. We bore powerful witness to him about how much the Savior loved him and wanted him. He then selected as a goal baptism on June 2nd. This week has been a lot like this, just lots of hard work and it has been great! 
This week is going to be exciting. I love to be a missionary, and I Love my Savior Jesus Christ very much!
I love you all so much! It is great to hear about all the good and exciting things people are up to!
Elder Adams
P.s. we are getting snow right now, crazy weather, it was 90 degrees 2 days ago!

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