Wednesday, June 27, 2018

June 18, 2018 - South SLC

So this week was absolutely incredible!!!!!! There were so many highlights, I don't even know where to begin! 

So the biggest miracle was all the people we had at church. We have been trying for months to get a group of 17 people to church. 5 of them are good, they have been a few times, but the other 12 wouldn't come. So we have tried so hard to get them, we got the head guy for 2 weeks, then he got a job, and couldn't come to church this week. So we decided to stop by and see who else we could bring, and all of the sudden, we had every single girl(except one)in the whole group of 17 come. There was 8 of them! We had no idea what was going on, so we had to call a translator fast, and then get them a ride! This led to some other very spiritual experiences for some of the members to help these people out. I am so grateful to the Lord for His Goodness in allowing us to see His hand manifest. 

Another great part of the week was all the work we did. We had some great lessons, and absolutely taught with and by the Spirit, but the best part was the 6 apartment complexes we tracted all the way through. It was incredible to testify to so many people of their loving Heavenly Father, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to do this incredible work.
I love this so much! 

Love you all!
Elder Adams

P.s. We also had our mission tour, and Elder Brian Taylor of the Seventy came to speak with us. It was super awesome!!!!! I learned so much, and we have just attacked the work! 

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