Wednesday, June 27, 2018

June 25, 2018 - South SLC

So this week has been great. We biked to temple square on last Monday with our zone leaders. That was super fun. From the stake center to the temple is 3 miles, plus we started at our apartment, so it was 6 miles. I attached some photos of the adventure. It was really fun!

We had pizza twice this week, and knocked over 1000 doors. We had interviews with President Hillier, it was super great to talk with him. 

We also had lots of highs and lows this week. For example, we had lots of people lined up to teach, but we couldn't get translators, and because of that, some of them fell off. But the high this week was Paul Lu's baptism! He is a great kid, who I have known and worked with the entire time I have been here. He was not sure he wanted to get baptized because he wanted to do the right thing, and finally he decided to take a step of faith and be baptized. It was amazing to see him be baptized by his good friend, and then receive the gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday. He was so happy!

Well, that is the week. Loads of fun exciting things! An organization put on a world refugee day(they are done all over the country) and we were able to attend a little to find some people to teach. It was super awesome! 
Here are some pictures: (Paul lu is the boy next to me)

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