Sunday, July 8, 2018

July Updates -Salt Lake City Mission

July 2nd, 2018: Well this week has been great. Loads of diligence, and that is about it. Everyday was pretty typical, just work, work and work. We had some wonderful opportunities to teach people about the restored gospel, and it was great. We spent a lot of time following the Spirit in each lesson, which lead to great and inspired questions and statements. We shared with many people the Savior's own words found in the Book of Mormon, especially such verses as 3Nephi 11:33-34 and 2 Nephi 31:15-16. It was a great experience to testify powerfully and feel the Spirit bear witness to these people of the truth. This week, I deepened my conversion through fulfilling my purpose and teaching repentance, and look forward to baptizing converts!
Well, that's it, we don't even have any pictures! I hope everyone has a wonderful week! Exciting things ahead! 
Elder Adams
July 9th, 2018: Sounds like you are all up to lots of fun. What a great week it has been, and what a great week it will be. Have a great time in Nauvoo!
This week has been amazing for me as well! We worked so hard I actually got a cold! It was crazy. Transfers are tomorrow, and I am off to a new area! I find out tonight where! It will be great! 
That's pretty much it! Short on time so quick email!
Love you! 
Elder Adams 
Pic- ensign peak hike

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