Monday, July 16, 2018

July 16, 2018 - Big Cottonwood Stake

Dad! I love you!
I am in the Big Cottonwood Stake, right next to my first area. My neighbor is Mitt Romney. No kidding. I am with Elder Johnson, he and I actually roomed at the MTC together! So it is super neat to be back together again. And we are the Holladay Zone Leaders. It is super awesome! We have a car, which we really only use for meetings and helping people, the rest of the time we bike, and talk to literally every person we see! We have 2 on date for baptism right now and like 8 more soon to be on date. It is an exploding area!
Time is flying; I can't believe it's almost halfway over. This year has been great. And yes it's downhill from here, but I'm not coasting... 😎 But I will pace myself and not sprint too fast yet... I love the idea to write down my thoughts and reflections of the year, I will do that on the 19th.  I love the statement you made (dad) that it doesn’t necessarily mean to work harder, but to work smarter.
Anyways, we are doing a great work. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is Christ church on the earth. I want all to come unto Him and be baptized for a remission of sins so they can live with their families forever. 
So good to hear that Nauvoo was great! It looks beautiful, and I love you all! We will for sure go again! I love that you (mom) shared your BOM reading experience with us. I love your testimony. I know it is true! 
I love you Mom! It was great to hear from you! I'll keep working hard! So many people to save! 
I love you all! 
Elder Adams! 

July 19, 2018: Note from Sister Holli Adams in Brazil to Elder Clayton Adams in Utah:
No way, 1 year?? Wow Elder Adams! That´s pretty awesome!! Keep working hard, I love you!! <3 :)  - Sister Adams :)

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