Tuesday, March 12, 2019

March 11, 2019 - Rose Park Zone, SLC, UT

(Thanks so much Mom for doing all that college stuff. Let me know when the questionnaire is sent, and I will do it! I am so grateful for you and your help! I am super excited to go to school, but all in due time, I've got great things to do right now. As for running, wow do I miss running so much. I can't wait to run again! I will plan on calling sometime after noon next week! That will be so fun!)

This week has been incredible!
To start things off we were in meetings the first two whole days. We had MLC, which was very inspiring, and then zone conference, which was super great for the zone to learn some important gospel doctrines. This did limit our time out on the streets, so we tried to make up for it the rest of the week. 

Thursday we were able to do some service with someone we are teaching. We spent some time at the Good Samaritan House preparing food for homeless people. Then, we had some good lessons and then spent some quality time in the evening working one specific apartment complex where we saw lots of success and talked to loads of people. 

Friday, we had exchanges with other elders. I got to work in a Tongan area with Elder Thia. He is from France and goes home in about 3 weeks. We spent lots of time driving and knocking on doors. Only one answered all day, but we stayed very diligent and focused, so it was enjoyable regardless of the success. We actually drove north of Salt Lake, and we were inside of Elder Freestone's area in the Layton mission. Didn't see him, but just a little fun fact. 

We also had our interviews with President Hillier, over a week late due to his busy schedule. It was so great to talk with him. I know that our Savior Jesus Christ atoned for our sins, and if we turn to Him and repent in the way He has taught and showed us, we will be forgiven for all of our mistakes. On top of that, if we turn to Him, He can lift us over every trial or challenge we face. I know this is true because I have felt and seen this in my life. I know Christ lives by similar experiences.

Saturday was a blast. We did a blitz in some other elders area, and had a great time tracting. We saw some neat miracles. The rest of the day consisted of finding and helping people come to church.
Sunday was great, it is always a blessing to take the sacrament. We spent time with a member contacting loads of referrals, and we got some answers finally! There are some amazing things happening in Rose Park!
I love you all so much!
Elder Adams 

A few pictures from lessons at Temple square.
The ones with the temple it is snowing super hard behind us.

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