Monday, April 15, 2019

April 15, 2019 - Rose Park Zone, SLC, UT

(Sorry I didn't get an email out last week. The long story is that I had typed up a nice long email recapping the prior week and a half, but when I went to add the pictures after the temple trip, my draft did not get saved because there was no wifi to send it, and I hit send. That was about 5:45, so I just sent you the text instead of retyping. But today here's a good one.)

2 weeks have gone by, and lots has happened! 
Every Tuesday this month we have had some kind of meeting or something big that takes up most of the day. These last two Tuesdays were a mission leadership council, and a mission leadership training. They were very nice, the spiritual uplift was incredible, to be able to talk about the mission, missionaries, and how we can help them develop and become, as President Nelson said "the best version of themselves". 
All the time in between meetings and more meetings each Friday was filled with WORK! The times you are the happiest on your mission is when you are putting sweat and tears and a little blood into finding people to teach the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ to! So that's what we did! 

Some cool experiences the week leading up to conference:
Tuesday we went to a missionary correlation meeting in the Tongan ward. When we got there, we had 2 of the missionary council members tell us that they had set up appointments that night with some nonmembers. We already had a lesson scheduled, so that made 3 at the same time! We split up, I went with the ward mission leader up to the farthest appointment, and we taught about the plan of Salvation. The Spirit was so strong, the guy we were teaching said that he wanted to change some certain things in his life and get baptized! Elder Saltzman reported that he went out with a returning member, and they taught one sister who said she knows she needs to be baptized, and the coolest part was that the returning member bore his testimony, even though he hasn't been active in a long time. The third appointment was someone we already knew, but he also said that he knew he needed to be baptized. With all 3 individuals, we were able to teach and testify that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, they can overcome the individual barriers holding them back from making this first covenant with the Savior through baptism. It was a miraculous night! 

Friday we went tracting in an apartment complex, and met a guy who had moved from the east coast that day! We were able to share a Becauseof Him video, and it was amazing to see him feel the Spirit and open up to the message we shared. He wants to meet up more! 

Then came conference weekend! Saturday, for the morning and priesthood sessions, everyone we wanted to bring with us cancelled last minute. For priesthood we subbed in a member we work with a lot. Sunday morning we went with Carlos, who is awesome! He loved it! Then, since we live only a few minutes walk from the conference center, we walked to and from each session. Walking home after Sunday morning, a couple stopped us and gave us tickets for the afternoon session. That was so cool! In total, we went to 4 of the 5 sessions live! 

And then this past week! Wow it was amazing! We had some pretty fun times helping some missionaries in the zone with a variety of things. Then we spent a lot of the week just working! We tracted for lots of hours, and talked to so many people! It was neat to share what God's prophet has most recently said! Then Friday was Elder Saltzman's birthday. And, Carlos got baptized! It was such an awesome service! On Sunday Carlos received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the Aaronic Priesthood! We are going to the temple soon to do baptisms! Then we got to hear a devotional from Elder L Todd Budge of the Seventy! He is great! It was a good day! 

I'm loving this work! 
I love you so much family! I bought some candy and plastic eggs to give out for Easter! No sugar for me! -Elder Adams 

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