Monday, May 6, 2019

May 6, 2019 - Rose Park Zone, SLC, UT

This week has been awesome. My new companion is Elder Krogh, he came out a transfer after me, is from Georgia, and we have spent some time around each other. When I was is Karenni, he was in the Nepali area, so we saw each other often. We are super excited to be together.

We worked super hard this week, and saw lots of miracles. One time we got a referral, but it had the wrong address. It worked out because the wrong address turned out to be someone else we are now teaching. This happened a lot this week. The Lord would have us go one place, we thought for one reason, but something else would also happen, which was better than we could ever imagine. 

Sunday was a tough long day, that turned quickly into a day of miracles. At first, we thought no one was going to come to church, but then we had 4 people show up unexpectedly. Again, no one we planned for, but one of those 4 people is already preparing for baptism this month. It was incredible to see the Lord work wonders.

I love serving my mission. It has helped me understand better the purpose of our life on earth. I have found true joy. 
I love you so much!
Elder Adams 

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