Elder Krogh
and his brethren have a great week. Many blessings are poured out upon the
land. The mission of the Salt Lake City is visited by a Prophet, Seer,
and Revelator. About 20-21 Months in to Elder Krogh's mission.
And it came to pass that Elder Krogh and Elder Adams departed
from their day of preparations to cry repentance unto a lost and fallen people
by the Lake of Salt. Not having been in their labors for more than an
hour they received word from their fellow brethren in the church that those not
of their faith had joined them in the splendid sport of bowling for an activity
that was to unite those of the church and those not to further progress the
work of the Lord.
2 Upon receiving this epistle Elder Adams and Elder Krogh
made haste to their metal chariot and wove their way through the dangerous
battle that still goes on today known as Salt Lake City traffic. They
arrived only to come to the realization that they already knew those not of the
church of Christ that were present. Upon finding that the hearts of these
people were still hard, they said a few farewells and then made ready the
chariot and departed.
3 And the Elders had a lesson with a woman in the city of
4 And it came to pass that when [the Elders] saw that [she] would
believe their words, they began from the creation of Adam, reading the
scriptures unto [her]—how God created man after his own image, and that God
gave him commandments, and that because of transgression, man had fallen.
5 And [they] did expound unto [her] the scriptures from the
creation of Adam, laying the fall of man before [her], and their carnal state
and also the plan of redemption, which was prepared from the foundation of the
world, through Christ, for all whosoever would believe on his name.
6 And since man had fallen he could not merit anything of
himself; but the sufferings and death of Christ atone for their sins, through
faith and repentance, and so forth; and that he breaketh the bands of death,
that the grave shall have no victory, and that the sting of death should be
swallowed up in the hopes of glory; and [they] did expound all these things
unto the [woman].
7 And the woman did believe all the words from the holy prophets,
yea even all the words from the holy scriptures that God had given from the
creation of Adam that man might understand his great plan of Salvation.
8 And she progressed to be baptized on the first day of the sixth
9 Now the Elders departed from the city of Glendale to the
apartments of Solara.
10 And being full of the Holy Ghost they came to the home of a
man who had been expecting them, for they had been writing electronic epistles
back and forth.
11 And this man received them gladly, yea even all those in his
household received them with joy for they knew they were messengers sent from
12 Therefore the elders again opened up the holy scriptures-but
not so much as the prophecies about the great plan of Salvation, nay, but
rather-to the prophecies about the latter days where the Gospel and church of
Jesus Christ would once again be restored to the earth.
13 And they testified of the word of God that would proceed
from a remnant of the seed of Joseph unto the convincing of both Jew and
Gentile that Jesus is the Christ.
14 For the Prophet Nephi truly testified to "believe
in Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ. And if ye
shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words
of Christ, and he hath given them unto me; and they teach all men that they
should do good.
15 And if they are not the words of Christ, judge ye—for Christ
will show unto you, with power and great glory, that they are his words, at the
last day; and you and I shall stand face to face before his bar; and ye shall
know that I have been commanded of him to write these things, notwithstanding
my weakness.
16 And I pray the Father in the name of Christ that many of us,
if not all, may be saved in his kingdom at that great and last day"
17 And this is the manner in which Nephi spoke, and this record
is true. And it was this record as well as the other records from the book of
which I have spoken that touched the mans heart. And he was persuaded
that the testimony of these two messengers was true. For they truly
testified that God had once again called a Prophet and that the Lord Jesus
Christ guides His prophet. Yea he was convinced unto the desire to be
baptized in the sixth month, for the Holy Spirit had touched his heart.
18 But this was not their only reason to rejoice. Behold it
came to pass that they traveled to the square where the House of the Lord
dwells and expounded upon the Savior Jesus Christ and His gospel to a man who
desired to be baptized.
19 Yea even all these things they did that the man might be
baptized on the eighth day of the sixth month.
20 Now behold had this been all there would be sufficient reason
to rejoice in the mighty miracles wrought by the hand of God. But behold
this was not all, for the Lord their God continued to lead them by His Holy
Spirit to the home of a woman in her later years.
21 Now this woman was a disciple of Christ yea, even a member of
His church. And there was one in her town that had not received the words
of Christ, yea even His full and everlasting gospel.
22 And this sister invited her young friend to hear the Word of
23 And the young woman accepted and hearkened unto the words from
the messengers of God. Yea she did believe their words and desired to
follow the one and living God of the whole earth
24 And there came in the mission an Apostle of the Lord, even
Elder Quentin L Cook.
25 And he expounded the will of the Lord to those who had been
set apart to preach His gospel.
26 And many things did he instruct them in. Yea many things did
he teach them pertaining to and hearkening to the Holy Spirit.
27 Now after teaching and exhorting the words that were pressed
upon his mind from the Spirit of God, he bore his witness of the Savior Jesus
28 "Now" he said, "I am going to tell you
something that I want you to remember for the rest of your lives." And
this he said pertaining to his testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ.
29 "I know the Savior's voice and I know the Savior's
30 And the whole congregation was overcome with the power of the
31 And I add my witness that what this apostle of the Lord said
is true. For the Holy Ghost bore witness to my heart in the very moment
that the words which he spake were true, even to the shedding of tears.
32 And Elder Krogh and Elder Adams departed from this meeting
rejoicing and carried on through their labors with glad hearts for they knew
the Lord was with them.
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