Monday, June 3, 2019

May 27th & June 3rd, 2019 - Rose Park Zone, SLC, UT

May 27th, 2019
Mom! Super fun to hear about the track teams and how they did, that is so awesome for Mason! And Michael as well! A track update from me, I'm obviously still out of shape, but I threw down an even paced, 80 a lap, 5:19 mile today. It felt amazing. It wasn't too hard either. 
This last week has been great. It absolutely flew by, faster than any other week before. 
Monday we helped one of the wards at their FHE, they went out visiting "lost sheep" and we helped them contact lots of people. 
Tuesday we walked tons of miles, and got soaking wet due to tons of rain. We saw some miracles though, running into some people who the Lord placed in our path.
Wednesday we just kept knocking doors…..

June 3, 2019
Dear Madre, 
It's been a great week to be a missionary. We preached, taught and baptized!
On Saturday Samantha got baptized! It was an awesome service. On Sunday she got confirmed, and then she bore her testimony in sacrament meeting. She is converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. 
We also had some cool miracles throughout the week. One was Sunday night. We were with a member out visiting some potential people to teach. We were driving from one home to another, and felt prompted to visit someone we haven't caught home in a while. We pulled up right when he got home. Up we went in and taught him, it was awesome!
Well, I'm slim on time today. I love you all!
Elder Adams 

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