Monday, June 24, 2019

June 24, 2019 - East Bench, SLC, UT

This week has been excellent! We have seen so many miracles! I don't ever want to stop serving the Lord.

Probably the best experience from this last week was on Thursday. A recent high school graduate invited us over to meet his 2 friends. Both just graduated with him, and both have wanted to be baptized since they were 12. Their parents had them wait until they were 18 years old. So now we are helping these boys get baptized before July 23, which is the day their friend leaves for his mission to Mexico and I get transferred... It is awesome to see the people the Lord has prepared!

On Friday, we met a young girl who has been closed off to missionaries about the gospel, but opened up to us, asked questions, and is praying about when she should be baptized. 

We cover a branch for Veterans and haven't been able to visit them at all. The branch president called us unexpectedly, picked us up, and we had a chance to minister to them all.

Almost every day these last 2 weeks we have received a text or all from someone, with a referral for someone who wants to take the lessons and/or be baptized. It’s unbelievable to see the Lord hastening His work.

We are teaching so many people, including several families and individuals. Please pray that their hearts will soften or remain soft to the gospel. This is truly a blessed area and blessed people.

I love my Brother Jesus Christ so much. I have truly come to know Him every day stronger and stronger. I know that His Atoning Sacrifice is real and will help all of us.

I love you all so much! I pray for you daily.
Elder Adams 

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