Monday, July 1, 2019

July 1, 2019 - East Bench, SLC, UT

This week has been great. It was one of those weeks where you feel like nothing happened, but then you look back and it was full of miracles.

Thursday our new mission President and wife arrived! President and Sister Prier from Texas. We had an opportunity on Friday to meet them, and it was amazing. He shared with us his vision of what he wants to accomplish, and it is so in line with the Prophet and the Lord. These few weeks with him will be incredible and for the rest of the missionaries, this will be a great experience.
Sunday was another day of miracles.

We were able to speak in one of our wards in the morning, and then proceeded to visit 5 more sacrament meetings, with phone calls coming from left and right. 10 visitors in total attended church and we are teaching them all. We finished at our 7th ward of the day, teaching a combined 2nd hour to the whole ward.

Every day is not as easy though. Sometimes we go through trials so we can grow. Most of the first half of the week was spent on foot (we are out of miles) and knocking on doors. Not many answered, but we pressed forward diligently. We even had one young man we are teaching text us saying he was no longer interested at all. That is always hard, yet we pressed forward, clinging to the rod, and the Lord provided for us and strengthened us. I felt His guidance in a most powerful and pure way this week. I love my Savior!

I love you all!
Elder Adams

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