Tuesday, July 16, 2019

July 15, 2019 - East Bench, SLC, UT

I can't believe I've been out this long, and that we are actually at this point of my mission. I love those thoughts from Elder Uchtdorf. I'm sad to end this part, or have this interruption, but I am excited and anxious to begin the next part of my life. It's all part of a grander plan.
I'm almost ready to come home, one week and a few more baptisms.

This prior week was awesome!
We did a lot of finding and got no immediate results in our teaching pool. Instead, the Spirit inspired us to know who we needed to stop teaching, and who we needed to work better with, and what we could do for their spiritual growth. I have learned an important principle this last week and am excited for it to bless my life. 
John 14:26: But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
So many times, in various settings, we would be in a situation and need a quick solution, and the Spirit would remind me of past experiences that taught me what to do. It was very cool.

We had a huge group of people at church again. Because of so many missionary homecomings and farewells, and some attended multiple times! It was awesome.
I am so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I was able to speak about the Atonement of Jesus Christ for a few minutes in one ward yesterday. Bearing my testimony strengthens my personal witness of Christ's love and living reality.
I am so grateful I have been able to serve. Not done yet though. This week is going to be amazing!
I love you all!
Elder Adams

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