Monday, July 22, 2019

July 22, 2019 - East Bench, SLC, UT

Dear Madre,
Packing all day, it's wonderful.
I'm ready to get going with college and running. It's time.

This last week was one to remember. Decent and average finding all week, then departing temple trip Friday to the Salt lake Temple. That was a great experience. Then Saturday, we had 2 baptisms, Michael and Hunter. We also had 2 lessons to finish out the day. Sunday both were confirmed, I had my departing interview with President Prier, and then 3 lessons to finish out my mission. They were powerful, spiritual lessons, and I will always be grateful for the knowledge and testimony I have gained these last 2 years.

I'm excited to see you and Dad and all the family tomorrow! It'll be awesome!
I love you!
Elder Adams

Pics- This is Hunter's baptism (he is the shorter one. The taller guy, Ben, is his best friend who leaves for his mission tomorrow.) 

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