Tuesday, October 10, 2017

October 9, 2017 - Murray, UT

Hello! This week has been full of lots of fun times. We finally got Elder Fisher a bike and on Tuesday, our first full day with a bike, we contacted 21 people as opposed to the 10 the previous week on foot. We are being blessed by the Lord so much, as we are being given opportunities to teach and serve His elect and humble in heart. The Lord is keeping us busy with good things to do. I love it so much!

We had a baptism this week for L. It was an absolutely incredible experience. I was honored to baptize her, and it was an amazing opportunity. She is such a strong spirit, her and her family will be blessed so much for her righteous desires. It was an incredible evening.

Not anything crazy happened this week, just a lot of solid hard work. Like I mentioned, we got Elder Fisher a bike on Monday. Then on Wednesday, my bike broke. When we put it in the shop they said it was gonna be about a week, and not very cheap. Like close to $100 dollars. Well, Friday morning we went to pick it up, they fixed it in one day! And it didn't even cost $11! That was such a miracle, and we were able to get right back to work!

I love this work so much. I love Our Savior Jesus Christ so much! I know He lives! This gospel has brought me so much joy! I love sharing it with others and serving my brothers and sisters.

Pictures from General Conference and L's baptism.

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