Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 13, 2017 - Murray, UT

Wow, this week absolutely flew by. It feels like just yesterday I was sitting and emailing, but that was a whole week ago.

This week, not too much happened. We had a lot of great teaching opportunities, and great experiences meeting new people and helping them gain a better understanding of Jesus Christ's gospel.

At church Sunday these people walked up to us and just handed us 11 packets of seeds. It was extremely random, but really funny. That is what that picture is.

One day knocking some doors, we saw a funny sign. You bet we still knocked on that door, and the person has yet to have answered anytime we try.

We had a correlation meeting with a high councilman one morning, and he cooked us a delicious breakfast. This inspired Elder Fisher to one morning whip up the delicious picture of bacon, eggs, toast and potatoes. It was phenomenal.

Truly, I love this work so much. I am so grateful to be serving a mission, I wouldn't rather be anywhere else right now. I know that the Lord has great things in store for all of us, and I want to help others find out who they need to become.

I love you all so much! Always remember, God Loves You!

Elder Adams

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