Monday, November 6, 2017

November 6, 2017 - Murray, UT

Hello! This week has been another week. It absolutely flew by, it feels like yesterday was just last Monday! And a lot has happened! First, Tuesday we went to the Salt Lake City Temple for Halloween. That was a really awesome experience. I absolutely love the Salt Lake Temple, it is so beautiful, and I feel the Spirit so strong when I am there. 
So another fun thing this week was the amount of Spanish I have had to use. We are teaching this one boy, and his grandma only speaks Spanish. So to set up return appointments, we have to speak Spanish. It is really fun, my Spanish is getting pretty okay. I can understand almost everything that is said to me, and most of the time I can respond very simply. We are having too much fun with it.
Saturday was a great day. We helped a gentlemen move out for an hour, had a baptism, and then helped someone move in for 2 hours. Then, wrap up the day with a fun dinner, lots of lessons, and dedicated work and biking, and it was super awesome. I absolutely love this work, and am so grateful to be able to represent my Savior Jesus Christ everyday, doing and saying the things He would do and say if He was here. 
Truly, God lives! He loves each one of us so much! In this month of Thanksgiving, I am grateful for my knowledge of God; His existence, powers, love, and promises. Always remember Him in all you do! 
Love you all so much!
Elder Adams

Pics:  Bronson' s baptism (hair courtesy of a bike helmet). You are probably wondering why I am wearing glasses. Simply enough, I ran out of contact solution, so Saturday and Sunday I had to wear glasses, and then I put in fresh contacts Monday, and bought some solution today.

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