Thursday, December 28, 2017

December 26, 2017 - Murray, UT


This week has been an awesome, hard working week! We spent a lot of time out serving, knocking on doors, and spreading some Christmas cheer. At this time of year many people think about all of the material gifts we have and are given. I have often reflected on spiritual gifts, and would like to share some thoughts. I recently finished reading the Book of Mormon again, and in the last chapter, Moroni 10, it talks of spiritual gifts. (Moroni 10:6-20.) We are all given a variety of gifts and talents. It becomes each of our own responsibility to develop these talents. In verse 20 it speaks of charity. We show charity by helping others and reaching out in love. Using and developing our talents to bless other's lives is truly why we are given so much. I love to help others, and I know by turning outward to focus on others I will grow better inside. I love Jesus Christ and all He does for each one of us. May we remember Him and His sacrifice as we start a new year in search of the joy that comes from loving others.

Love you all!
Elder Adams

p.s. The pics are our Christmas tree, it was awesome. And some snow, and some tracting fun. 

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