Monday, February 12, 2018

February 12, 2018 - South SLC, UT

What a fun week. We had some good activities this week.
We are looking for more people to teach, so we started looking everywhere. We found a lot, and it has been super cool to teach more about our Savior, Jesus Christ. We also had some fun events happen. First, we had some delicious dinners. Karenni food is super delicious! Then we had an investigator get married! She is getting baptized next week! When the branch president said they could kiss, she hit him in the face with the flowers. In their culture they don't show affection in public, so it was really funny! They have done a ton of weddings, but no one has ever kissed. Then we celebrated like 3 birthdays this week. Two were Karen, and they are the most interesting things ever, especially since I have no idea what is being said! For my birthday some members in the apartment complex made a cake and it was great fun! Lots of hard work this week, we went on exchanges, and I went with Elder Wagley in my area, and we had a great time, found a lot of new investigators. It has been a really great week. We were with some youth, and they had me dunk so that was really fun too.
We are working super hard, it is great. Lots of improvement being made! And in July the mission will become the Salt Lake City Mission. I love serving the Lord so much! I pray that all is well with you! 
Elder Adams 

Ps: I am waiting for my Burmese name tag to come in, and I speak enough Karenni and Burmese to get in the door, and leave, and also almost pray in Karenni. Soon hopefully I can bear testimony and teach simply in Karenni, which will be awesome! 

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