Monday, April 9, 2018

April 9, 2018 - South SLC

One thing I have developed a sure witness, testimony and faith in is that the Lord is ever at the Head of this work. This week just about everything we had planned, and that we thought would be good to do, didn't happen. The Lord instead had better things in store for His children. It was incredible to get out of the way, and almost literally feel the Lord's hand on my back, leading me to be a vessel to bless His children. Many miracles occurred as a result, and my faith increased significantly.

We have been working very hard lately, and we will keep working harder! It is very rewarding at the end of each day to look back and realize how much you did in fulfilling your purpose to invite others to come closer to Jesus Christ. 

And the fruits of our labors are continually manifest. PR was baptized on Saturday, and confirmed a member of the Church and recieved the gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday. He has changed so much. About a month ago, he really wanted to have nothing to do with church. But now, he has experienced a change of heart, and wants to come to church every week. I pray that we all can experience a change in our hearts, and an increased desire to follow Our Savior. 
I love you all so much, have an incredible week!

Elder Adams

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