Tuesday, August 14, 2018

August 13, 2018 - Big Cottonwood Stake

So this last week has been full of miracles and other awesome experiences!

Tuesday we had an awesome meeting for zone leaders, and it was super great to learn loads. Then, we had 2 mini exchanges where we put many people on date to be baptized. We have two planned this Wednesday; I am so pumped for these guys to get baptized!

Then, Saturday, President M Russell Ballard came and talked with our mission. It was The Coolest Thing Ever. He spoke about how we could improve, and was joined by three other Seventy. One thing President Ballard said was "Oh that I were an angel and could get into every members heart, and teach them the importance of Christ's atonement. Nothing would stop them from sharing this."  

I wanted to share my personal experience with the Atonement of Jesus Christ. As a missionary, we constantly are inviting people to repent from sin and live all of the commandments. Watching people trust 100% in the Lord, and then living all of what I am asked to do has brought the Spirit of the Lord into my life so strongly. As we labor, study, and teach, I can literally feel a power beyond myself leading me in all I say and do. I have had moments where I have a sure knowledge of God's love and existence. I love you all so very much and want you to know that God loves you too. When we sincerely pray to Him, He will hear and answer out prayers. 

Anyways, I love you all! 
Love, Elder Adams

Sweet family feeding our missionaries

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