Monday, August 6, 2018

August 6, 2018 - Big Cottonwood Stake/Holladay Zone

Happy Birthday to Carson! I thought about him a couple of times yesterday, I hope he is doing so well. I love the pictures! All the kids look so big and grown up, and Dad looks great! 

So these last few days have been insane! We have worked so hard and so long, and miracles are occurring! We are teaching lots of people who have been prepared by the Lord. Hearing some of their back stories, if we had contacted them in a year or a year ago, they would not have been open and ready for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We have 3 set with dates for the next couple of weeks, and it is incredible to see people feel God's love, receive answers from Him, and desire to follow all His commandments. 

I personally am doing super well! My shoes are solid, they might make it till next July, and as for clothes, I am doing great. My socks are fine for now, I will keep you posted if that status changes. And we have too much food! Luckily Elder Johnson likes to run as well, so we go about 20 mins every morning! It is so nice! And that is genius to bring my bike to college! I will for sure be doing that! 

I love this work so much! The short hair feels great, it got cut shorter than I intended, but oh well, it grows back! I love you so much Mom! You keep on keeping on too!
Also the Jordan River temple was awesome! Here are some pictures from it. My companion, Elder Johnson, is the one wearing the matching tie with me, in the picture of 4 he is far left.

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