Monday, October 8, 2018

October 8, 2018 - Midvale, UT

This last weekend was incredible. We got to watch all four GeneralConference sessions with someone we are teaching. Here is the rundown, and some funny stories of it all:
Saturday morning we went down to the conference center with a guy who wants to be baptized. Saturday afternoon we watched at a member’s home with a guy we are going to start teaching Tuesday. He has been coming to church for a month, and has read the whole book of Moroni. After that we visited another person we are teaching who also watched General Conference and decided she wants to get baptized now.
Sunday morning we watched with an Area Seventy, and his daughter’s non-member boyfriend. Then, Sunday afternoon we went down to the Conference Center with a gentleman we just started teaching this week. He is from Cape Verde, and was so excited when the temple was announced. It was super exciting! 

So I am now serving the Holladay North and Holladay South Stakes. We are the Midvale zone leaders, which was the first zone I was in. It is actually my dream area, so I was so pumped to get called here! We are teaching so many people. My new companion is Elder Beaman. He is from Virginia. We have actually served around each other last year in the Midvale zone, so it's fun to be back together as zone leaders of our favorite zone! And He goes home Nov 13(transfers) so we are working hard together! He is a great missionary. 

I am loving my mission right now. I Love the Lord, and all of these people I get to serve. 

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