Tuesday, October 23, 2018

October 22, 2018 - Midvale, UT

So some highlights from this last week: My companion has 22 days left. So we decided to get some work done. Tuesday we had 2 lessons in a row, and we selected baptismal dates for both young men. Then Thursday we did an exchange, and we taught a few people. One guy really connected with the Elder that came with me, and it was amazing to see him open up and the Spirit was super powerful. Then we taught another guy, the one we went to conference with, and he is working to be baptized in just a couple weeks!
Then on Sunday almost everybody we were teaching came to church! It was great! Then, we had dinner with the Morris family, which were those kids from Missouri! (Family of 7 siblings adopted from Missouri). We are now teaching them, starting tonight, and I love them all so much already! They are super fun, and super excited to follow Jesus Christ. It is a blessing to be able to serve and teach, most of the time I honestly feel like it is me that is getting more from it, it is unbelievable.

Keep reading the Book of Mormon! So much power! I am taking President Nelson’s challenge too! 
Love you all tons! 
Elder Adams 
P.s. sorry for no pictures today, will have some next week! 

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