Monday, October 1, 2018

October 1, 2018 - Big Cottonwood Stake

Madre! So good to hear that you guys are so excited for conference! Me too!
This week was kind of a slower week. We worked super hard and are super tired, but had lots of great experiences testifying of the Restoration of Jesus Christ's church. Now, after two quick transfers here in the Big Cottonwood Stake, I am off to another area. It will be super exciting to serve the Lord and all of my brothers and sisters in a new area.
I love reading all that you are up too! It is so awesome! It will be treat to share with you next week all my new adventures in my new area! 
I love you so much Mom! Here are some pictures from this last week! One is Our district, and the others are a young man I have been teaching who will hopefully get baptized this next month! I can't wait to go back for it! 
I love you!
Elder Adams 


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