Tuesday, January 22, 2019

January 21, 2019 - Midvale, UT

It is snowy here. And MLK day doesn't affect us at all, just business like usual.
This last week has been miraculous. 3 days in a row we received referrals from members, and went to visit these referrals. One of these gentlemen, who is 70 years old, wants to get baptized ASAP, and is already on date for mid-February.
Also, right after the temple last week we had a lesson in which we taught 2 girls who are also now planning for baptism in February. 
We also had one day where we contacted all of the people we hadn't been able to catch for weeks. It was amazing. 
We had Stake conference in the Holladay South Stake. The whole first hour of the adult session Saturday night was about missionary work, we got to speak briefly, and the stake members are on fire trying to find us people to teach. Simply put, they are going to invite everyone to meet with us, and pray that some say yes.
Also on Saturday, Oakley was baptized! I have been teaching him since my first week here in this area, we even went to general conference together. Some miracles happened to allow him to be baptized almost 2 months earlier than expected. It was a very great experience for him, he is very converted to the gospel. He has even been paying tithing, using a jar he saves loose change in called "God's Money". What a great guy he is.
Excited for the Johnson girls and August to be going on missions! Very exciting times for them. 
Fun to hear you are getting snow. We have gotten at least a foot today. Pretty awesome! 
Glad Sunday School attendance is strong and church is going well. Truly an inspired change. I am excited to continue following the prophet, who speaks to the Lord.
I love you so much Mom and Dad!
Elder Adams 

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