Monday, February 11, 2019

February 11, 2019 - Rose Park Zone, SLC, UT

My birthday was great! I was able to preach the gospel all day! That's fun you fed the missionaries that day, always such a blessing!
Alright, so I am in Rose Park area now. I am still a zone leader, now of the Rose Park Zone. My area is a YSA area, I cover 5 wards in the Pioneer YSA Stake, the Capital Hill YSA, Rose Park YSA, Cannon YSA, City Creek 2nd, and Salt Lake 2nd wards. It is quite a change. We live at about 400 North and 300 W, so down the street from the Jazz, the Capital building, and a quick walk away from Temple Square (though we always drive).
This area has been struggling to get missionary work going for a while, so it has been very cool to get to work. My new companion is Elder Saltzman. He is from Montana, and goes home at the end of April. He knows the area, and how to work well with YSAs, and we are seeing miracles every day. So I'm going to share at least one from each day this week: 
Monday- I got assigned to be with Elder Saltzman. This is the third time I have followed him to a new zone in a row, finally we are together.
Tuesday- Things just took off. We went out with a returned missionary and tried to contact some people. We ran into half a dozen people interested in the gospel, it was amazing to testify to them.
Wednesday- We left an hour early for MLC because of the snow, but then the meeting got delayed an hour, so we stopped for breakfast at Einstein bagels. The owner ended up giving us 4 dozen bagels for the meeting. Then, that evening we had a lesson. The guy we were teaching had been invited to pray about baptism, and as we talked he shared his experience. At one point Elder Saltzman prompted him to share if he got an answer, and the young man said, "Yes, I got my answer. I know I need to be baptized." We are excited for him!
Thursday- Even more miracles! At our meeting on Wednesday, President Hillier instructed Elder Saltzman and I to put the pedal to the floor. So that's what we did. We have taught all of our lessons at the LDSBC and temple square, and Thursday night we spent all evening at temple square. We had a first lesson with a young man who has been pretty anti in the past, and finally felt like he needed to talk. It was a miracle too that as we talked, two members of his YSA ward happened to walk by and join the lesson. 
Friday- We ran around all morning and accomplished so much good contacting. At one door, the guy opened it as we walked up, and we set up a lesson and took out his trash in less than 2 mins. That night, we again met with the gentleman from the night before, and he got so excited learning about church history as we toured the church history museum.
Saturday- We had an amazing lesson with a girl. She wants to be baptized super bad. It was the best birthday present ever, to invite someone to be baptized, have them say yes, and help them select a date for it to happen.
Sunday- We had lots of great people at church. Then, we got to go to the institute building at the University of Utah and listen to President Ballard. That was really awesome.
In short, this week has been insane! I love it so much! I am so happy to be out here serving the Lord!

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