Monday, August 21, 2017

August 21, 2017 - Murray, UT

So I have always wanted to serve a mission. That has been a goal of mine since I was a little boy. As I grew older I later added some specifics to that goal. Not only did I want to be the most diligent and obedient missionary ever, but I also wanted to do some more physically demanding things as a missionary. One of those dreams was to go on a morning run with my companion, who would be able to keep up with me on a bike. Well, I was blessed to enjoy it not once, not twice, but 3 times this last week. That was extremely awesome.

As for my goals and dreams on a more serious note, I have found great love for the Lord in always striving to give Him my all each day. I see and feel the joy of being obedient to all that we are commanded to do. I know that the Lord blesses us as we are obedient. As missionaries, we are always extremely keen to heed the promptings we receive from the Holy Ghost. One day, last Friday actually, we felt as though the last few hours of our day were not well planned by us. We did feel the need to visit one gentleman though. So we did, but he was not home. Then as we went to the next place we met a man who was in great need of some words of encouragement. He thanked us for stopping and talking, and said that it was the best thing he had had all day and week. Then we visited a  single mother and we were able to comfort her in a time of need. We continued to follow the Spirit on where we needed to go, and eventually talked with another young boy who is now on date to be baptized in September. Then, we stopped by one more gentleman’s home, a man who had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and lost is right leg all in the last year and a half. He was thrilled that we stopped by to talk, and told us that it was exactly what he needed that day. We returned home that evening feeling very happy because we had brought so many of God's children, and our brothers and sisters, so much joy. It is a great feeling!

Also, on Saturday morning we were headed to help a member move, and on the way my companion Elder Jolly became entangled with the curb. He did an almost complete barrel roll to his left, and fractured his elbow. So the last couple of days have been very brief, with nothing more than just dinner appointments and planned lessons. We received a car from the mission office Sunday afternoon because we cannot bike for a little while. An interesting thing about driving on the mission: before you can use a mission vehicle you essentially take a driver’s test with the senior Elder in charge of mission vehicles. You usually do this test when you go to a car area. So in this area I have no need of certification. But for some reason, for this transfer with my group of incoming missionaries, he (President Hillier) felt that we should take the test immediately. If I had not taken the test just 4 days before Elder Jolly's accident, we would not have been able to do anything until I had taken the test. Truly God inspired President Hillier to make those actions. God lives. I know that to be true with all my heart.

I learned some new words this week from some people driving by who shared them with us. I won't repeat them because I chose to forget them.

A lot of other things happened this week, like I popped a bike tire, I got to do some running, I meet some incredible people (like retired NFL players who say they are gonna work out with us in the morning), and I got to grow closer to my Savior Jesus Christ.  I am truly living the dream; I love this work and the gospel so much!

I am glad you loved those photos, the Woodlands are an incredible family, and they have helped us so much. And the Adams (Bishop of one ward) are very kind as well! That is so incredible about the youth conference bus driver. That brings me great joy to hear! 

Hope Carson keeps going to seminary, it will be great for him spiritually and physically and he will be blessed in his many activities! Hello to Heidi and Cody and Carson! I love you all!!!!!!!!!
I love to hear that things are going well, love you super much Mom! I love you so much Dad, thank you for taking care of the family in every way you do!

Remember Our Savior's infinite love for us always! 
Love you!
Elder Adams

P.S. We just watched the solar eclipse, I'll hopefully get a photo of it soon, it was very awesome! Good picnic and such! I wore my special glasses, and Sister Hillier made sure we committed to not look directly at the sun! It was really cool to see; only a sliver of the sun was showing, and it dropped 10 degrees and got pretty dark. I am so grateful to have your support for me serving; it truly has been the best month of my life so far, way better than any races I have won. I look forward to continuing to work my rear off; I love this gospel so much!


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