Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 29, 2017 - Murray, UT

Hello! I am still here! Sorry I didn't email yesterday, I forgot to tell you last week that our P-day switched to today for zone conference. We got to go to the Salt Lake Temple today, which was such an incredible experience. We have the actual conference tomorrow so that will be a blast. I get to be the music conductor. Anyways, this last week has had a lot of ups and more ups. The parts that might have been down are just lower ups than the higher ups. 

Some fun parts of this week have been the relationship with the members. We have had a meal every night in a member’s home, and every time we try to buy something it is either paid for by some random person in the store, or they give it to us for free. It is quite crazy.
The missionary work has been pretty slow lately. Other than the 3 people we have on date for baptism, and 3 others we are teaching, we really don't have any other investigators. Addressing those on date, Dutch and Brian both came to church this week. Dutch wasn't gonna be able to go, but then Brian slept in, and when we got Brian, we went ahead and checked to see if Dutch could go to. So they both went, which was awesome. We are working with a guy named Paul, and another named David. Both have such strong testimonies of Jesus Christ, and it is awesome to see. Paul is more willing to learn more, whereas David is still working on if the Book of Mormon is historically accurate. We have great discussions with both. We did pick up a new investigator yesterday, Mary. She is very curious, and has since seen and read many things about the church. We are able to clarify and help her recognize some important things. She seems willing to gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon, so that’s awesome. Cody is another one we have, he has gone to church twice now, and hopefully we can put him on date for baptism soon.
There was a really neat experience that happened this week. One of the bishops asked us to visit a less active member. He was outside when we showed up, and what followed was really neat. He is a recovering alcoholic, and was trying to come back to church (grew up a member), and had been doing pretty good, but had actually just 30 minutes previous to our arrival gone out and bought a beer. He still was fighting off the temptation, didn't drink it, went out to mow his lawn, and then was kind of praying for help to be strong, and also wondering when the missionaries would show up because Bishop Tingey had said they would visit. And then, he said that not even 2 minutes later, we pulled up. That was really awesome to see his faith and recognition of God in his life, he said he wasn't gonna drink tonight, and we are gonna make sure he doesn't drink again.
A funny story. We ran out of toilet paper early last week, so one night we were visiting with a member, and Elder Jolly was like, hey can we get a roll of toilet paper? They gave us a pack of six rolls.

I know that Jesus Christ lives. We all know Him. He is our brother. We loved with Him before we came to earth, and someday, we will all have a chance to live with Him again. I am so grateful for this gospel; it has changed my life so much. I love the joy of living the gospel, and the blessing that come with obedience. 
I love you all so much, I hope that all is going well!
Take Care,
Elder Adams

P.s. happy birthday Madre on Saturday! Love you mucho! I have been able to run a lot every morning, that has been amazing. Staying pretty fit actually. 
Pictures: Salt Lake City Temple and Elder Jolly and myself and some of our zone, and my water bottles. Also, the mountains are beautiful.

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