Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September 18, 2017 - Murray, UT

This week has truly been one of the most grueling and difficult weeks of my mission. But it has also been the most successful and joyful week yet. This whole week we have been working as hard as we can to try to do all the things we need to do to be successful missionaries. We set goals, made plans to accomplish our goals, and then went forth and persevered to reach our goals. We had 2 baptisms on Saturday, for Bryan and Jose. I had the privilege to baptize and confirm Bryan, and it was such a great experience. There are also 3 other people we have scheduled to be baptized in October, and maybe more to join them. One of those people we met with on Friday, and we were able to teach them the Plan of Salvation. The Plan of Salvation is God's plan for each of us to be able to become more like Him so we can live with Him again. This message of hope resonated with the lady we were teaching very powerfully. There was not a dry eye in the room. The lady was sobbing tears of relief and joy, and even her husband, a huge tough looking guy, was choked up (I did not cry because I am heartless). 😉 It was an absolutely special experience; she is such a strong Spirit. I can testify that God truly loves us all so much, and He wants us to come back to live with Him, which is why He provided our Savior Jesus Christ.

A fun story from the week: On Wednesday we had 9 minutes left on the day, and no new investigators, so a rather unsuccessful day, but then we thought we should stop in and update Bishop Tingey on the names he has given us. Once again, at 8:58, Bishop was like, "oh I got a call, some guy who lives in the neighborhood is attending an institute class at SLCC, and he wanted the missionaries to come by!" So Bishop was going to get the information on that for us to visit, but first his wife was having contractions so we told him to focus on his wife and soon to be newborn daughter. He was really casual like, I might be having a baby tonight, no big deal. It was impressive. We were able to later visit with the young man and he is planning to be baptized in October.

I love my mission so much and I am so grateful that I get to serve our Lord and our fellow brothers and sisters.
I hope all is well, I love you all!
Take Care,
Elder Adams

p.s. transfers this week. Elder Jolly and I are staying here. Our whole district didn't even change!

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