Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 12, 2018 - South SLC

Dear Mom,
What an awesome email from you! I love it so much! I love hearing from you! Kinda short on time! But Elder Mulcahy is awesome! He has that greeny fire, and it is awesome! 
I love you so much! Thanks for those talks, I will be sure to read them! 
Love you! That is so cool for Heidi, and man, Cody is Buff! 
Talk to you more next week!
Elder Adams 
p.s. might not have time for a blog update, sorry, busy busy like a bee! 

Hey Dad!  Love you too! 
My District is district A or B not sure which, haha, and we are in the sugarhouse zone. I have just sisters in my district, which so far has been pretty nice.
Elder Mulcahy is awesome! We are having a blast working hard! The branch is growing, lots to teach. I can teach, testify and pray in Karenni, it is awesome! 
We are teaching loads, the craziest moment from the last week was when we knocked on this door, the gentleman who answered was utilizing an illegal substance and told us, in his very high way, "I've got it all, I'm good guys." It was funny, especially to break up the monotony of lots of doors knocked and no answers. 
But we are teaching a ton of people, and it has been amazing! The Lord truly desires that these people hear the gospel! It is incredible!

Love you so much! 
Elder Adams
See photo for new nametag! It says: The Church of Jesus Christ of Happy People (Latter-Day Saints doesn't translate.)

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