Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 19, 2018 - South SLC

So this week was pretty awesome. We saw lots of miracles.

Last p-day we went for a hike. I ran up the mountain. It was super awesome! And a beautiful view. 

This week I really focused on being completely diligence, and striving for perfection. With the Lord's help, a great interview with President Hillier, and a great companion, we are seeing incredible things happening here in Burma. The Karenni are opening their hearts to the gospel, and it is amazing to see! I have progressed in my language, and taught about the Restoration twice this week in Karenni. Elder Mulcahy is an incredible missionary, he continues to have a great desire and love for these people, and it is awesome to work with him. We have found so many new faces, and old faces, all now ready to hear the gospel and progress towards following Jesus Christ through baptism. 

Hope all are doing well! 
Elder Adams

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