Monday, January 15, 2018

January 15, 2018 - Murray, UT

Hello from beautiful Murray Utah! Where it is like 40 degrees everyday! So the weather has been interesting. There has only been 2 days it snowed, and it all melted super quickly. The last couple weeks we haven't even gotten below freezing. It has been an unusual winter out here; the "natives" are both concerned and stunned. We have been walking everywhere, but actually just got a bike and helmet for Elder Larsen, so we will take off now! 

This week has been rather smooth, no crazy ups or downs. But it has been amazing because I have been able to serve the Lord! It feels as though not much happened this week because we had long meetings and activities. But we are set up this next week with lots of individuals and families to reach out to and contact. It will be an amazing week full of miracles! 

Sydney was baptized on Saturday. Her dad baptized her and her grandfather confirmed her a member the following day at church. She was so happy afterwards. She had a huge smile on her face, and gave her dad a big hug! She is a sweet girl, we are blessed we were able to participate in her preparation for baptism. 

Not much else happened this week, but lots more work to do, last full week of the transfer! I was able to watch the Uchtdorf's devotional. I thought it was super good, and that Sister Uchtdorf is so cute! She definitely had both a thick accent and a great love for Dieter, her favorite apostle. He certainly had some great jokes and insight, so that was wonderful. We were also invited to watch President Monson's funeral, so Elder Larsen and I watched it together. I thought of you (Mom) every time MoTab sang, especially because of the songs and purple dresses. I love the connection you made between President Monson, and how he truly showed the character of Christ. I hadn't even thought of that, what a wonderful insight! I echo your desire to live how he lived, and we will fall short, but I'd rather fall short trying to obey the Lord with exactness then trying to just obey sometimes. And we can always try again!
Sister Hillier has asked us all to be sure and watch the message from President Nelson tomorrow. I am excited to hear what he has to say, especially as he is the next in line for the prophet.

I love the picture of  my siblings watching the devotional, I am so excited for Holli as she embarks in less than a month! So exciting!

Well, onward to battle, lots of work to do! I love you all, know that the Lord will guide you in life if we turn it over to Him and let Him guide us!
With love,
Elder Adams 

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