Monday, January 29, 2018

January 29, 2018 - South SLC, Utah

Hello! This week has been mind blowing! So I was transferred to work with the Columbus Branch of the South Salt Lake Stake, which is a Burmese refugee branch. The two languages in the branch are Karen and Karenni, and I work with the Karenni. It is super cool learning a new language, and boy are there new experiences every day! It has been absolutely amazing. Sometimes it feels like I am in another country, especially when the food is weird and different, the smell is all different, and the language is different. I sit on the floor, eat with my fingers, and say lots of fun words. It is so amazing!
My companions name is Elder Bowman, and he is from Illinois. We have really been working super hard. It is super fun, and our area is the entire Salt Lake Valley so we go all over! We leave the mission (boundaries) every day! So yeah, this has been an incredible week. We have had a lot of opportunities to help and serve the other missionaries, and we teach a lot and help people work towards baptism. I am so excited for the many opportunities that lie ahead for this great work and area.
So this last week was rather confusing, the first part of it I couldn't understand anything that was going on. Plus, we cover the whole valley. So I had no idea where we were. But now, I have a better idea, and have been able to help some people come closer to Jesus Christ and baptism. A fun story: So Elder Bowman and I had an opportunity to go and teach a young boy who the Karen sisters had been struggling to get on date. We went over Thursday night, he got baptized Saturday 12pm, and confirmed a member Sunday at church. It was absolutely awesome to feel the Spirit work on him so he would realize the importance of baptism and get baptized. 
I am pumped that 2018 is my "blackout" year of my mission. I love my mission so much, the gratitude I feel every day for my Savior has increased so much! And the love I feel for these people as I give them my all is so powerful, I cannot deny that there is a Supreme Creator who loves them infinitely! 
I have had so many great experiences, I look forward to sharing what I can over the next few months here! 
Love you all!
Elder Adams 

Pics- Elder Bowman and I with Tow Mater. Thaw's baptism. And Burmese floor mats are super comfy!

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