Monday, January 22, 2018

January 22, 2018 - Murray, UT

Hello, this has been a week to remember! So last Monday, Elder Larsen and I decided we were gonna work as hard as possible every day this week, and do all we could to bring people closer to Jesus Christ. We work hard already, but this week we blew it all out of the water.

So we went out and knocked on doors for 27 hours, some days it was for 8 hours straight. One 8 hour day was trudging through almost 2 feet of snow, and the day before we were out in it as it fell. We made some great memories and stories. We spent the other time teaching lessons to those who are close to baptism.

Elder Larsen and I are both getting transferred out, Elder Larsen is going to the Philippines and I find out where tonight. Because there will be 2 brand new Elders here on Tuesday we met with a lot of ward mission leaders and bishops to talk over things.

I spent my last Sunday the best way possible in this area I have called home for almost 6 months. Anabell got baptized! I was honored to baptize her and be the voice of her confirmation and receiving the Holy Ghost. There was an incredible Spirit there, and she even gave a small talk, bore her testimony, and quoted scriptures like it was nothing. She is super converted, and she is even taking an institute class. So that was awesome!

I have loved serving in Murray, Utah, in the South Cottonwood and Little Cottonwood Stakes, and it is hard to leave these people I love so much. But I know the Lord is in charge, and He will make things work great. I am excited to see where I will go next and fall in love with those people as I pour my heart and soul into strengthening them.

Have a great week, love you all!
Elder Adams

Pics: Me and my 2 "sons". Anabell's baptism. 2 Thunderbirds.

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