Monday, January 29, 2018

Jan 29, 2018 - South SLC, Utah

Letter from Clayton to his Madre:
Hey Mom! Hope all is going well! I am doing absolutely amazing out here on my mission! My new area has been an absolute blast so far, and I am staying safe and working hard. My new companion is Elder Bowman, and he is such a good hard worker. He is very in tune with the Spirit, and we have witnessed miracles as a result of following promptings we have received as we teach people. I find it amazing how the Lord can take just ordinary people, and truly qualify those whom He calls to work wonders in His name. I know, and I know that you know, that He can help us all do the most amazing things in our life, even if it seems impossible to us at the moment. I love the phrase that we have already survived 100% of our worst days; living life with optimism is the best. I often reflect on Joseph B. Wirthlin's mother's statement, "Come what may and love it." This thought of trusting in the Lord brings great peace to me in this world of calamity. I love the strength that reading daily from the scriptures brings me. I am grateful for the strong work ethic and desire to serve God you have instilled in me as I grew up. This has blessed me, and through me the Lord has blessed so many lives. Because of all you and Dad taught me, you are now impacting 100's of lives eternally for good. Truly the Lord is working wonders among the children of men today. I love you SO MUCH Mom, I pray for you daily. Keep holding close to God and the iron rod!
Elder Adams

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