Tuesday, January 9, 2018

January 8, 2018 - Murray, UT

Hello all! This last week has been pretty amazing! Very many good things have happened as Elder Larsen and I have given our all to this service of our Lord. We were blessed with beautiful weather; I hope you all are staying safe if your weather isn't as agreeable as ours! 

So some amazing things have happened this week. First off, we got haircuts on Monday. While we were waiting around, we got a text from a Bishop. It was another miracle referral, and she is getting baptized this upcoming Saturday. Then, later in the week we had a lesson with a girl who is getting baptized in February. We talked, she realized she knew enough and was ready, and she is getting baptized in 2 weeks! The Lord is richly blessing us. 

The Lord works in mysterious ways. At a recent training, one of our Zone Leaders said that if we do our work, which is to be diligent, obedient, and focused on inviting people to follow Jesus Christ, then the Lord will do His work and glory, which is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of all of us. (Moses 1:39). 
I love this work so much, and I am grateful to be serving so many great people, I love trying to help people find joy through living and following the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

I love you all so much! Remember how much God loves you personally! 
Love and prayers flowing your way,
Elder Adams

Picture: some p-day comp fun. 

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