Monday, December 17, 2018

December 17, 2018 - Midvale, UT

I don't have any current pictures from the Light the World giving machines, but we work them Christmas Eve and will take some photos! I too feel I am right where I am meant to be. It is such a great feeling to be doing exactly what the Lord wants me to be doing with my life right now!
This week we had three 24-hour exchanges in a row. This is when we switch companions and go to a different area to teach and learn one-on-one. So this started on Tuesday. The elder I went with was sick, so I spent a lot of time studying, which was pretty nice. This went until Wednesday. Then, Elder Rhodes and I got together to quickly plan for a meeting we had on Friday. We switched again, and I spent time with one of the assistants. It was a great exchange, we had some good lessons, and I learned lots. That exchange finished Thursday at lunch. Elder Rhodes and I quickly held a weekly planning session together, and then started our third exchange. I finally got to stay in my area, and we worked hard. The elder I was with could hardly keep up as we ran door to door, finding tons of new people to teach. We finished this exchange on Friday, at our zone meeting. It was a great meeting. Elder Rhodes and I were back together, and we finished the evening catching up on missed things and preparing for a busy Saturday. 
On Saturday, we started off working the Light the World giving machines downtown. Then, we rushed home from them so we could prepare for the Morris boys baptism! Then, all four Morris boys got baptized! It was such a beautiful service, and there was over 100 people there. We filled the chapel. It was incredible. Sunday, all four received the Holy Ghost, and it was a very spiritual and powerful experience! It was awesome! 
Another crazy week ahead, transfers are tomorrow, Elder Rhodes and I will stay companions for the next transfer. We are excited to help all we have going keep on going! 
Love you all!
Elder Adams 

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