Monday, December 31, 2018

December 31, 2018 - Midvale, UT

Happy New Year!

Here's a quick update of the week:
We spent all week just contacting mostly members. We emailed all 100+ missionaries serving from our stake. We asked all these people for referrals. We have received over 50 names back! Many are very promising, and it looks like we might start teaching them soon!
Other than finding people, we had Kaitlyn's baptism! It was such a beautiful service! We were expecting less than 30 people and had about 70 show up! She is a very special young girl, has come to church by herself, and last month bore her testimony, and then told us the next lesson she didn't even know what a testimony was! The speakers at the service were people she had met once, but immediately became very close to her. It was a blast to teach her, and then see her choose to be baptized! 

Well, more to come as we kick off this next year 2019!
Love you!
Elder Adams

ps: And one last fast thing, somebody shared this link with me on Facebook: Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission . Look for me at about 2 minutes! 

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