Saturday, December 1, 2018

November 26, 2018 - Midvale, UT

This week has been incredible, and it just keeps getting better!
So we are teaching loads of people, and have tentatively scheduled someone for baptism every week until the second week of Jan. We are excited to find more, and we will do everything we can to make sure they happen. Plus, this last week, we had a little guy named River get baptized! He is the stepson of another guy we are working with, who wants to get baptized soon as well! 
Sunday night, we went to Temple Square with some investigators to see the lights. There is an incredible spirit there, and you can truly feel God's love and presence. 
We also had interviews with our mission President, it is so awesome to have such a loving support and guide.
Elder Rhodes and I are doing so good together! We are excited to keep on keeping on! 
Love ya!
Elder Adams 


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