Tuesday, December 4, 2018

December 3, 2018 - Midvale, UT

This week has been incredible. We have seen miracles and important ordinances made, and have been able to do some great service. Let me run through each day:

Monday- After a good preparation day, we were able to teach 2 lessons, and have one baptism interview. It was amazing to see how much Nuno has changed, as he bore his simple yet powerful testimony. 
Tuesday- We had an incredible lesson with a gentleman who we have been meeting with for a month. He has really started to open up to receiving answers from the Spirit. We are excited as he continues to seek knowledge from God.

Wednesday- Things really started to pick up. We went downtown to Temple Square to get trained on the Light the World vending machines. Then we crammed in a mix of planning, organizing, training and setting goals for the zone, and finding more people to teach. During our lunch correlation, Elder Rhodes and I took some funny photos in the senior missionary’s trophy room. 

Thursday- We spent 4 hours in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building as the set of missionaries to keep things going on the "Giving Machines". We got to open them up, and then meet loads of people who came to share and serve and donate. It was a neat experience. After a late lunch at 3:30pm, we rushed to start an exchange with some elders in the zone. I was able to go with Elder Boxall, an elder from New Zealand who has been out only 1 month. It was an incredible 24 hours to learn from his excitement, and to be able to hopefully teach him a little more about missionary work. 

Friday- This exchange led into Friday, which was a crazy day. We started off with a busy morning of trying to contact people, picking up mail, and having a correlation lunch. Then, we got invited to go help someone move in Elder Boxall's area, so we did that. After that, we had district council. Unfortunately, we had 6 missionaries, and 4 seats in the car. So I ran with Elder Boxall to our meeting. It was super fun. Then, after that craziness, we spent the evening bouncing between ward parties, and meeting new people who are prepared to receive the Gospel. It also started to snow some!

Saturday- First, we went to 3 Christmas breakfasts! Then, we went to the Jordan River Temple for Elder Rhodes to be able to see a convert he had worked with go through the temple for the first time. Elder Rhodes is Spanish speaking, this is his first English area and I am his first companion from the United States. So this session was in Spanish. Luckily, I got headphones in English, but it was fascinating to listen to both English and Spanish. It was beautiful to spend time in the House of the Lord. 

Then we got back to our area to tract for about an hour, then dinner, then we were able to have Nuno's baptism. It was an incredible service, and Nuno was so happy! Afterwards, we went out together, the whole family was so overjoyed! 

Sunday- We had so many incredible people at church. One of our young 11 yr. old investigators came to church by herself, and even bore her testimony. It was great! Had some fun lessons in the evening. We went to three sacrament meetings and sang Hymn 209 Hark the Heralds Angels Sing in every single one. Dinner we ate with a great family in the stake. They had two BYU football players over, it was a good time. It snowed all day, not stopping once. It's beautiful. 

Well, life hasn't been better, I love being busy as a missionary. This week is looking to be just as crazy! I am excited, and I am grateful to the Lord for allowing me to participate in this great work.
Love, Elder Adams 

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